Home Tech Websites Top medical websites in India

Top medical websites in India


Good quality healthcare services are one of the most important requirements in India. Gone those days of family doctor. Glad to see that these days public is more responsive by following routine health check-up and more conscious towards maintaining their physical condition and strength. And for this reason people search online for the best health care websites to guide them with any health problem and also show them right trail towards leading a healthier life. Just to make your surfing easy, we’ve sorted 5 top medical websites in India. These best healthcare sites are ultimate resource in-case you are searching for most visiting or popular medical websites in India.

Top medical websites in India :

1. Med India – medindia.net

top-medical-sites-in-india-medindia– is a leading medical news and information website that ranks among the top health websites globally in terms of both traffic and content. MedIndia is one of the best and most reliable medical website in India.

2. Practo – practo.com


It’s an attempt by bunch of passionate and young doctors to use emerging technologies to improve clinics across India and thus enhance patient experience. It is one of the most rapidly growing medical sites in India.

3. Only My Health.com – onlymyhealth.com


Only My Health is a product of MMI Online Ltd which is a strategic online division from the house of Jagran Prakashan. Site introduces the world of health and lifestyle information supported by reliable content providers and timely relevance. It includes Ayurveda also.

4. 1mg – www.1mg.com


1MG is India’s first and only Generic Drug Search Engine which enables you to find the best medicine for your treatment and provides online information of all medicines. Previously it was known as healthkartplus.com. It includes most of the brands as well as their generic equivalents which are cost effective. We consider it at the 4th rank in our list of top medical websites in India.

5. The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare – mohfw.nic.in


It’s an Indian Government Site that provides technical advice on all medical and public health matters and is involved in the implementation of various health services. Check it out for available govt facilities.

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