Home Life & Style Food Seven Important Facts About Probiotics You Should Know.

Seven Important Facts About Probiotics You Should Know.


Probiotics play a significant role in improving the physical and mental functioning without forgetting the improvement of the digestive system.

Although probiotics can be accessed from different kinds of food; it is essential for you to understand that not all foods that are labeled to have the components have the right amount or the good elements as well.

So be cautious when buying food that has probiotics and makes sure that you focus on the main ingredients used to make the products since from there you can able to estimate the number of the probiotics available and if they are healthy.

Some of the foods that you can find these components include the natural yogurt and protein bars just to name a few. Before you buy the foods that have probiotics, there are some facts that you should know first.

Important Facts About Probiotics

1-Probiotics Work Well with Healthy Diets.

The main purposes of probiotics are to improve the functioning of the gut by empowering the bacteria that breaks the food for easy digestion. Therefore the food that you eat determines the kind of bacteria the components will improve.

Thus if you eat processed foods and sweetened foods, the bacteria promotes the growth of fats and sugars which are harmful to your health. The same case applies when you eat healthy food.

By eating diets that are rich in vitamins, proteins fiber, and right carbohydrates, the probiotics will be able to strengthen and improve the growth of the proper bacterias from this food which in return contributes to a healthy gut and healthy digestive system.

2- Processed Yogurt Does Not Contain Probiotics.

Yogurt is believed to contain a high percentage of probiotics, and that is one of the reasons as to why a lot of people like to take the drink. Well, one thing to note though is that the processed yogurts especially the ones sold in the markets do not have any probiotics.

This is because these yogurts are made with pasteurized and homogenized milk which are not healthy at all. Instead of getting the probiotics from these yogurts, you can choose probiotics for recurring BV or feed your gut and body with hormone rBGH which is essential for boosting milk production in cows.

Also, the processing of the yogurt uses high temperatures which tend to destroy the bacteria necessary for probiotic formation. We can’t forget the fact that these yogurts are made with other preservatives and added sugar to boost the taste.

Therefore, if you want to get healthy probiotics from the yogurt make sure you prepare it using the traditional and healthy methods where the milk is neither pasteurized or added sugars.

3. Natural Foods are Excellent Sources of Probiotics.

Instead of buying the processed yogurt you can make it at home using kephir and fresh milk. The process involves the use of unpasteurized milk and kephir granules. Mix the two and leave them to settle at a room temperature.

The good thing about using kephir is the fact that it is reusable for more than one time. You can also get your probiotics from the fermented vegetables which you can prepare at home.

Also read: Food that burns fat

4.Acidophilus Bacteria Does Not Last for Long.

This is the bacteria found in dairy products such as milk. The bacteria does not have enough power to withstand the high acidity in the stomach hence does not help much. Instead of L.acidophilus, opt for the lactobacillus acidophilus since it can survive longer.

5. Probiotics have the same effect in your brain as they have in your gut.

Research shows that your mind is connected to the gut via the gastrointestinal tract and therefore the way your gut acts affects the brains. If there is a right balance of bacteria in your gut, rest assured it will remain active and work well. This in return affect the brain hence help you stay active and in a good mood.

6. You can take Antibiotics Together with Probiotics.

Antibiotics are quite powerful and not selective when it comes to killing the bacteria in the gut. In some cases, if you take the antibiotics together with probiotics supplements, they end up destroying the good and the bad bacteria in your gut.

So to avoid this, consider taking your probiotics a few hours before or after your antibiotics to keep them “safe” from the antibiotics.

7. Not All Probiotics Are Good.

Note that not all products that are labeled to contain probiotics have it. As the buyer, you need to be cautious when purchasing to make the correct choice.

For example, buy from a reputable brand and ensure they have a CFU of probiotics. Ensure the product does not contain the bio-engineered products and it is well sealed.