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Tips for Road Travelling in Bangalore!


The undisputed IT capital of the country, Bangalore is definitely one of the most happening and crowded places in India. The city has seen a mushrooming of education centers, industries and outsourcing companies which draw people from all over the world. This, in turn, has emphasized the need for vital infrastructure to support steady growth. There are still some areas that are constantly being upgraded almost each day.

If one is planning to live or work here, there are some key facts that must be considered when it comes to using transportation.

1. Auto Rickshaws | A tricky ride

Auto rickshaws are plenty in the city and were the most commonly used method of transportation in days gone by. The fact that they are adaptable, easily available and abundant in supply, is indisputable. That does not alone qualify as the best reason for choosing a mode of transportation in Bangalore.

When one is unaware of routes and fare to get from home to one’s destination, one can experience unwanted stress and other challenges. A passenger is often at the mercy of the rickshawala.

2. Radio Taxi :

Radio taxis and car on rent in Bangalore are popular among youngsters and office goers. The flexibility of having a cab to oneself and the ability to use a smartphone to command the need for one, is a growing trend. However, there are challenges that one must deal with in this option as well, the fact that each cabbies is going to try to ensure he benefits the most out of each trip can put the passenger in a compromising situation. The wait time for the cab to arrive is not often accurate, and there are situations where a cab request is cancelled by the driver on no prior intimation.

3. Self Drive Cars:

Self drive cars are an alternative to hiring radio cabs or cabs from a travel agent. Zoomcar is a leading provider of self-driven cars in the city. The mode of operation is extremely user-friendly- download the app, choose the car, choose a preferred tariff and even unlock the car via the app. All the billing is completed via the app and payments are consolidated in simple steps too.

Here the car is in full control of the driver, time is hardly lost due to external factors, and fuel is free. The insurance of the car is taken care off by the company leasing out the car; offering a totally stress-free solution for transportation.

All in all, travel is a personal choice and depends completely on the situation and circumstances that surround an individual. If you enjoy driving and value your independence, you cannot go wrong with a self-drive car in Bangalore.