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This Week In Technology: Samsung, Huawei, and More


Samsung Advises TV Owners To Run Virus Scans

Samsung USA’s twitter account recently released a video that demonstrates how to do a virus check on TV’s. It also said that users should perform these checks every two weeks to flush out malicious software attacks. However, this announcement surprised cybersecurity experts. They say that the public is “unlikely to go through the trouble”.

When asked if something had prompted the warning, Samsung responded with “It has been posted for customer security”. However, a security adviser said that the warning was a waste of time. Since the TV’s come preloaded with antivirus software, it is unlikely that people will follow the advice.

Huawei Says Ban Hurt Revenue By $30Bn

After the US banned Huawei products, the company said that they cut almost $30Bn from annual revenue. The US banned Huawei back in May, citing security risks. However, Huawei has denied all risk allegations. This ban has prevented US companies like Google from end their relationship with the company.

At the beginning of the year, Huawei expected $125-$130Bn in annual revenue. Now, due to lack of supplies, that number is down to almost $100Bn. Huawei also cannot work with global organizations and universities.

Porn Trolling Lawyer Jailed For 14 Years

An American lawyer was found guilty of running a porn-related online scheme. He shared the videos to clients, but then sued anyone who downloaded them, claiming they committed copyright infringement. After that, he ordered the clients to pay a $3,000 “settlement fee” to avoid legal action. Overall, this scheme raised nearly $3M for the lawyer.

In order to avoid prosecution the lawyer, named Paul Hansmeier, created a firm that owned the rights to the videos he released. Later, he began making his own videos. He then uploaded the videos to pirating and torrenting sites, ensuring that they would be widely downloaded. However, the scheme fell apart after victims refused to settle.

Volkswagen and Ford Close To Deal

Carmakers Ford and Volkswagen are close to completing a deal that will allow them to work together on self-driving and electric cars. After the two companies signed a deal in March to develop a truck, they began talks to extend the deal into electric cars and self driving. Volkswagen’s CEO Herbert Diess said the talks are “going well and are nearly complete”.

India Set To Launch Second Lunar Mission

India announced that their second lunar mission would launch mid-July. If successful, it would make India the fourth country to perform a “soft” landing on the moon. However, the mission will be unmanned. It will cost nearly 10Bn rupees, almost $144M. India scheduled the launch for the 15th of July.