Home Life & Style Beauty Get Rid Of Unwanted Hair Permanently At Home

Get Rid Of Unwanted Hair Permanently At Home

home-remedies-to-stop-hair-fall-fenugreek - mustared-oil


Unwanted hair is a big problem with every woman on the planet. Hairs on the exposed areas of hands, legs, face and back are one of the beauty problems that women hate. These annoying hairs grow due to hormonal imbalance, irregular menstruation, medications or due to pregnancy.

Although there are many ways such as laser hair removal, waxing, electrolysis, etc. are there in the market for unwanted hair removal, but they are expensive and every woman cannot get access to them. Thanks to our ancestor for some old remedies which are existing for effective removal of unwanted hair from every area of the body.

The most important thing about these remedies is that they are natural and there are no side effects. As far as the cost is concerned they are much inexpensive than the methods presented from beauty salons.

Later you may thank us for letting you these remedies. Try these to get rid of unwanted hairs

Raw Papaya

The enzyme in papaya known as papain helps in breaking down hair follicles.

  • Make a papaya paste by grinding it and mix turmeric in it.
  • Massage the paste on face, hands, legs for about 20 minutes.
  • Rinse it off with water.
  • Repeat it twice or thrice a week.


We know the effect and role of turmeric in beauty. But do you know it helps in removing unwanted hairs?

  • Soak 2-3 Tbs turmeric powder in milk or water.
  • Make a smooth paste which can be easily applied.
  • Apply turmeric paste on your face.
  • Let it sit for 20 minutes.
  • Rinse off the face with warm water.
  • Try this option twice a week to get rid of annoying hair.

Lemon and Sugar

The bleaching property of lemon will lighten the color of facial hair. And when mixed with sugar, it will help in exfoliation and act as a natural bleaching agent for your face.

  • Soak 2 Tbs. of sugar in 2 tbs. of lemon juice and 8 tbs. of water.
  • Mix it will till the sugar starts dissolving.
  • Apply this mixture to face and hand in the direction of hair growth.
  • Let it sit for 15 minutes to be dry.
  • Rinse off with water by gently rubbing it in a circular motion.
  • Do this process thrice a week to get the best result.

More Read : How to get soft skin naturally?

White Egg Mask

The egg is sticky like honey and sugar, and once it dries, you can easily pull it off. And when you remove it, unwanted hair comes out with it.

It works best on unwanted hair growth due to pregnancy.

  • Take an egg white and add corn flour.
  • Now add half tbs. Sugar in it and mix it well to make a paste.
  • Apply this corn, egg and sugar mask on your face and leave it for 20 minutes.
  • It will be like a thin layer of egg on your face.
  • Now peel off the mask carefully.
  • Repeat the process thrice a week.

Potato and Lentils

Very few of us know that potato has a bleaching property. And combine it with yellow lentil will remove unwanted hair easily.

  • Soak one small bowl yellow lentil (Arhar Dal) in water overnight.
  • Take one potato, mash it and extract all its juice.
  • Now take lentils and grind it to make a paste.
  • Add potato juice, fresh lemon juice, and honey in lentils paste and mix well.
  • Apply this paste on face, hands, and legs, and leave it for 30 minutes.
  • Now remove the paste by rubbing it in a circular motion. Lentil paste will remove hair as you rub it.
  • Repeat the process thrice a week to get the best result.

They are kitchen ingredient and can be easily found at home, and they have useful natural chemicals which are not harmful to the body. Picking these home remedies to eradicate unwanted body hair shows to be great because they can be easily found anytime and do not have any harmful effect.

More Read : Secret Hair care home remedies.