Home World International This Week In World: Train Crash, Hungary, and More

This Week In World: Train Crash, Hungary, and More

train crash

High Speed Train Crash In Turkey

A high speed train crash occurred in Turkey on Thursday. It happened in the Turkish capital of Ankara, killing nine people and injuring dozens more. Ankara governor said this about the situation, “Our hope is the number of dead does not increase, but our units are working. Once their work is complete, we will be able to share more information”

The train collided head on with a maintenance vehicle in the station, causing a bridge to collapse onto two carriages. Police detained three people and brought up a criminal investigation.

Hungary Passes “Slave Law”

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban introduced new laws that critics say are increasing his grip on power. The new law, dubbed “the slave law”, allows employers to ask for an additional 400 hours for overtime. In addition, Orban’s administration introduced laws that create new courts to oversee government issues.

Although Hungary stated that the new laws will be in line with EU guidelines, critics aren’t so sure. Protests sparked up after the vote, with around 2,000 people marching through Budapest to the steps of the parliament.

Mass Shooting In France

A mass shooting occurred in a Parisian Christmas market two days ago. French police increased the death toll to three, while 13 others were wounded. More than 700 officers are involved in the manhunt for the shooter. The 29-year-old Cherif Chekatt has been flagged for extremism.

Meanwhile, the French government increased the terror level and deployed an additional 1,800 soldiers to keep the peace. French police said that Chekatt had run-ins with police starting at age 10 and his first conviction was at age 13. In addition, Chekatt has been convicted 27 times.

Partial Truce In Yemen

The United Nations secretary general announced Thursday that Yemen’s warring sides agreed to a withdrawal of troops and a province-wide cease-fire. The fighting produced one of the world’s worst crises. Because of it, there are 22 million Yemen citizens in need of aid.

For four years, both sides battled for control over the port city Hodieda. The truce guarantees exchanges of 15,000 prisoners of war. The next round of peace talks is scheduled for the end of January.

Theresa May Delays Brexit Vote

British Prime Minister delayed the Parliament vote on Brexit. She faced a crushing defeat on the vote, originally scheduled for Tuesday. By postponing the vote, she allows time for supporters to regroup and find another angle to push the motion.

However, people fear for Brexit’s impact on the economy. Recently, the British pound tanked against the U.S dollar. Supporters say that leaving is a necessary risk to take. Brexit could allow Britain to regain control over their borders.