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Scholarships for Indian students to study abroad

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The annual cost of overseas education is growing by 20 to 25 per cent, thanks to the ever falling Indian rupee.

With education loans covering only 50 to 70 per cent of the tuition cost, Indian students and parents are looking for alternate options to meet the additional expenditure.

There are a number of scholarships from governments, organizations and specific universities that will help you fund your education abroad.

Here we furnish top 5 scholarships for Indian students to study abroad. You can check further detail from their website itself.

5. Google Anita Borg Memorial Scholarship


Recipients of the Google Anita Borg Scholarship: Asia Pacific will receive a scholarship amount specific to their local region in respect to tuition. A group of female undergraduate and graduate students will be chosen from the applicant pool across Australia, China Mainland, Hong Kong, Taiwan, New Zealand, Japan, Korea, Southeast Asia and India. Scholarships will be awarded based on the strength of each candidate’s academic background and demonstrated leadership. All scholarship recipients will be invited to attend our annual Google scholars’ retreat in the Google Shanghai office from September 2nd (Wed) to September 4th (Fri) 2015.

Who can apply?: To be eligible to apply, applicants must:
* Be a female student enrolled in undergraduate or postgraduate study in the 2016 academic year.
* Be enrolled in a university in Asia Pacific. Citizens, permanent residents, and international students are eligible to apply.
* Be majoring in computer science, computer engineering, or a closely related technical field.


4. Fulbright-Nehru Fellowships – United States-India Educational Foundation (USIEF)


The United States-India Educational Foundation (USIEF) invites applications for Fulbright-Nehru and other fellowships from Indian citizens residing in India, including students, college/university faculty, researchers, school teachers, policy planners, administrators, and professionals.

For application details, please visit the USIEF website: www.usief.org.in

Due dates for submission of 2016-2017 Fulbright applications begin July 1, 2015. If you have questions, e-mail them to. ip@usief.org. in


3. International Postgraduate Research Scholarship


International Postgraduate Research Scholarship is one of the most prominent Scholarships for Indian students to study Abroad.

The International Postgraduate Research Scholarship (IPRS) is funded by the Australian Government and enables international students to undertake a postgraduate research qualification in Australia and gain experience with leading Australian researchers.
The University usually awards around 35 scholarships.

Scholarships are open to international students of all countries (except New Zealand) and are available for a period of two years for a research masters degree or three years for a research doctorate degree. The scholarship covers tuition fees and health cover costs for scholarship holders, and health cover costs for their dependants.


2. Sir Ratan Tata Post-doctoral Fellowship


The Sir Ratan Tata Foundation and the London School of Economics & Political Science (LSE) invites applications for the Sir Ratan Tata Post-doctoral Fellowship, now in its nineteenth year. Applicants should be early career researchers working on social science research focusing on South Asia.

Applicants should have completed a PhD – the fellowship is not intended for students registered for a degree or diploma, nor is it intended for senior academics.
About the Fellowship

The Sir Ratan Tata Post-doctoral Fellowship will be for a period of eight months during the 2015-16 academic year and will be based at the LSE Asia Research Centre (ARC).

The Fellow will receive a monthly subsistence allowance of up to £1,500 a month, and will also be provided with shared office space and access to research facilities at the School.

The Fellow will be expected to engage in social science research broadly on the themes of Economy and Society in South Asia with a particular focus on the following themes:

* Growth and inclusion
* Climate change and environmental sustainability
* Social and human security
* Population and development
* Governance and democracy

The Fellow will be expected to finish a piece of research of publishable quality during their stay and make a presentation at a seminar or lecture arranged by the Asia Research Centre.

The Fellowship is open to candidates from South Asia, that is, the SAARC region which includes Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. The Fellowship is supported by the Sir Ratan Tata Trust.

Application Details

Applications should be addressed to The Fellowships Selection Committee, Asia Research Centre, London School of Economics & Political Science, Houghton Street, London WC2A 2AE, UK, and may be submitted by post or emailed to arc@lse.ac.uk.

Applications should include:

* a cover letter of no more than one page
* a curriculum vitae of no more than three pages
* an outline of proposed research of no more than three pages
* names and addresses of two referees, familiar with their work, to be contacted by the Committee

Please use A4-sized plain paper only. Please do not staple your application.

The final date for receipt of applications is Monday 11th May 2015. Late applications will not be accepted. The successful candidate will be informed of the decision by the end of July 2015.


1. The Oxford Graduate Scholarships – Oxford-Indira Gandhi Graduate Scholarship


The Oxford Graduate Scholarships have been established through a groundbreaking new matched funding initiative to enable the creation of fully-funded scholarships for graduate students of the highest calibre from across the world. 2013-14 will see the very first Oxford Graduate Scholars begin their studies.

Scholarships are awarded to applicants who have demonstrated excellent academic ability, who will contribute to the University’s ground-breaking research, and who will go on to contribute to the world as leaders in their field, pushing the frontiers of knowledge. The University contributes 40% of the funds for these scholarships, together with 60% from generous donations provided by numerous supporters of the University and its colleges.

Somerville College and the University of Oxford have established the Indira Gandhi Scholarships with the generous support of the Government of India. The scholarships are available to candidates ordinarily resident in India or graduates of universities in India, who demonstrate exceptional academic merit and who have been accepted to study at the University of Oxford in areas broadly related to sustainable development. This is the first year that the scholarships have been awarded.

The Indira Gandhi Centre (IGC), currently being developed by Somerville College, aims to equip India’s future leaders in sustainable development with the skills and academic training they need to tackle the challenges that India and the world face in sustainable development. Indira Gandhi Scholars will be expected to return to India at the end of their studies to teach others in India and to play a leading role in tackling sustainable development problems. The IGC programme will be designed to translate leading-edge research into positive social impact in India.


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