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Useful tips to make the most of the benefits of email marketing

email marketing

One of the fundamental strategies for any promotional campaign of a product or service is email marketing, which remains in force and with great strength despite the arrival of other resources for web positioning. Sending mass mailings has a lot of benefits, which are fully exploited if implemented in the right way.

Among all the possibilities offered by digital marketing for products or services to reach potential customers and, consequently, increase sales opportunities, one that has remained in force since its inception is email marketing.

The sending of mailings emerged practically with the advent of the internet and quickly became an effective and extremely economical way to deliver messages in a massive way and at the same time it created a direct way of communications with the target audience of products. 

After its implementation, a wide variety of marketing strategies have emerged that are also quite effective, but they will never replace email marketing. What is done is to design marketing campaigns in which each resource and tool complement each other in such a way as to achieve the desired positioning, visibility that translates into profitability.

Tips when designing an email marketing campaign

In order to really achieve the objectives of mass mailing, especially to make the target audience aware of a product or service, build loyalty and go from potential to actual customer, it is necessary to take into account some recommendations based on the proper planning of email marketing campaigns and their proper execution. 

A good alternative is to have the support of a specialised digital platform that helps manage the development of this marketing tool, a resource with many free applications that are allies of those who are starting in this area.

Among the main aspects to take into account related to planning the design of the email marketing campaign, it is very important to keep into mind the following ones:

Segmenting the audience: to publicise the benefits of a product or service and the facilities offered to acquire it, it is essential to segment the audience we plan to target. 

It is very important to analyse the profile of buyers or consumers, as nobody likes to receive information about a variety of products or services that they do not want or do not need, as this represents a waste of time for people. 

Customers often will only review messages related to products that are tailored to their age, location, size or gender. For example, if a person lives in an area where the weather is warm all year round, there is no point in receiving mailings about winter clothing or a new type of heater. In these cases, the emails are more than likely to be sent to the spam folder without being even checked.

Opt for a responsive design: an overwhelming reality is the fact that more than 70% of potential consumers use mobile devices to check their email. 

Based on this premise, it becomes essential to adapt our emails to these devices by using a responsive design, which will allow the user to see the emails clearly, read the texts well, see the images and promotional videos without its quality being messed up, as well as have easy access to the registration forms and purchase buttons.

Update the database you are using: one of the reasons why the opening rate of mass mailings is low is the fact that the database we may be using  is not updated frequently.

It is important to periodically purge the database, as this will make it possible to know which of the registered email accounts are still valid. 

In this sense there is one premise that is very true: it is better to have a small but effective database than to have thousands of accounts that do not exist and, consequently, cause the message to be lost. 

Recommendations for effective mass mailings

Regarding the execution of the strategy itself, it is also necessary to take into account some tips:

Choose a good “subject”: it is very important to take into account the high value of the phrase that is placed as the “subject” at the time of sending the mail. These words should be eye-catching so that the consumer is hooked and thus opens the message.

Be especially careful not to choose words that engines mark as “toxic”, since that can get the email marked as spam, such as it is the case with the words “buy now “ or”free “.

Opt for an appropriate email body: when designing the email, take special care with its design. A good email body should not be excessively long, should have a visible call to action and not have too much text. 

The time of sending: it is also important to take care of the best time to send emails, and for this it is essential to know the target audience.

 You have to know when users are active, so that they are willing to digest the messages.

Personalise the email as much as possible: an effective way to increase the open rate is to customise emails. It is possible to personalise the subject line with the user’s name, and you can even adapt the content to their preferences and tastes.  

Based on the information you have about users, you can know what kind of information they would like to receive, and thus create emails with some personalised aspects. This contributes to achieving very good results.

Use powerful images: there is a very popular saying that states that  “a picture is worth a thousand words” and this applies very well to this type of promotional strategy. 

One of the current trends is that a large part of the design is taken up by a striking image of very high quality, that is to say, of very good resolution.

The image should generate an emotion in the viewer and support to a large extent the text that is included in the mailing. This is also the case when the most graphic weight in an email is given to a video, which must be in line with the written content.