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YouTube trending videos worldwide : most viewed


List of top 5 YouTube trending videos throughout the world. From entertainment to sports videos, from top international music videos to ‘Awww’ clips, we have sorted out these most viewed videos for you. Let’s check out these recent happening videos from 2016.

YouTube trending videos worldwide :

1. 8 Animals That May Not Survive 2016

“These animals might be as common as dinosaurs soon.”

Isn’t it right time to wake up ?

2.Taylor Swift – Out Of The Woods

Check out Taylor’s new video “Out of the Woods” off her multi-platinum release 1989. Don’t worry its not a horror story.

3. President Obama on Comedians In Cars Getting Coffee w/ Jerry Seinfeld

President Barack Obama will be Jerry Seinfeld’s first guest when the seventh season of his online talk show, “Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee,” opens Dec. 30.
The show features the New York comedian picking up fellow comics in classic cars and taking them out for coffee and conversation.
Obama and Seinfeld spoke at the White House earlier this month. The White House says they took turns circling the South Lawn in a 1963 Corvette Stingray split window coupe before chatting over coffee in a basement dining room. They spoke about what makes White House life both remarkable and routine.
The appearance is another example of Obama trying to appeal to new audiences.

4. The Walking Dead: Mid-Season Premiere Trailer


“I thought, living behind these walls was possible. I was wrong.”

Hey there, Good news for all TWD fans, the #1 program on television returns February 14 at 9/8c. Check out other Trending Hollywood movie trailers.

5. Who Owns Antarctica?

Watch the video to know the answer! For more interesting facts check here.


These are the most trending videos on YouTube. We will keep you updated over the recent trends. Leave your comments if you enjoyed this playlist of YouTube trending videos. Guess, you will also enjoy our post on  YouTube trending videos India .