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Top 3 Major Deference between Private vs. Public Universities


The debate between public and private universities has been in long debate on whether government should be supporting public universities or is it better to have private universities, before we start a debate on which one of these should be preferred I think we should have a glance on why Universities are present what is their role in their society. Presently in India some Institutes has been profit oriented well some are not, Well the sole purpose of the University is to promote the growth of the society and large and think ahead of time and deliver what is required for a sustainable future needs, Students were not only be supposed to be educated but also be responsible for their Society.

Presently in India some Institutes has been profit oriented well some are not, Well the sole purpose of the University is to promote the growth of the society and large and think ahead of time and deliver what is required for a sustainable future needs, Students were not only be supposed to be educated but also be responsible for their Society.

Well, the present scenario has been changing which we all know. The only thing that bothers students is the placement. It’s not their mistake it’s the environment which is been created around the world now coming back to where we left off some of the notable public universities are IIT’S and IIM’S which has gained recognition among the people. Well, there are some private universities who have been in the topmost position like the Anna and VTU University in the south. Sharada University Noida and Avantika University in north India.

The major difference between private and public Universities:

1. Funding:

Funding is tied to tuition fees. Most public universities and colleges were founded by state governments, to give residents the opportunity to receive a public college education. Today, central governments pay for most of the cost of operating public universities. They also oversee these institutions through appointed boards.

These expenditures bared by the government makes the public University cheaper. Whereas in Private Universities these funds rely heavily on private and tuition contribution.


2.Size and Degree offers:

Private and open universities are more concerned with short-range courses not much diversified with a lesser amount of people focusing more on an individual, whereas when we compare it with public universities student concentrations are more on the number of students who are taught and sole purpose of these institutes are to promote education and not money making.

3. University demography:

India now has Universities accepting people of different demographics and ratios. For example, students applying to their public universities are admitted in far greater numbers and pay lower tuition but there is a disadvantage for private universities as some backward people of the society will not be able to pay the high fees and hence most of the times education in these universities would be difficult.

Well after considering the above facts one thing is for sure, that public Universities are far better than private but in a long run these private universities would also be catching up as the need for education especially for a country like India is increasing it’s very important that people support both forms of Universities for the upliftment of the system and not for the money making business..