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Most Popular Indian Television Villains Of All Time


In Daily soaps of Hindi TV which are based to real life Tragedy and Drama, we mostly see the main Stars of the show. But there are also Secondary Stars who trigger our emotions of Sympathy, Hate, Sadness, Anger and many more.

The Villains make the whole soap come to life an attract people and connect them with the soap. As a viewers of a serial have you ever considered how would a soap without Villains be? Wouldn’t the serial be incomplete without Villains? According through an online research 80% of the soap viewers favorites and likes soaps with Villains that has a Sad or Complicated background as their story, one other thing that viewers like about Villains are their Looks. One very important thing related to the Villain is the makeup given to the characters. The better the make up the better the soaps turns out to be, but the makeup is only half important. Mostly important is the Music in relation to the actions of the villain. A lot of countries have adapted this kind of Villain relation to the movie/serial or soap.

Most Popular Indian Television Villains Of All Times :

1. Let’s take Komolika from Kasauti Zindagi Kay, Komolika is a middle aged woman with Thirst for Power, she uses tricks through so many episodes to acquire power has triggered several emotions , but the entire soap would have no meaning if this Villain was absent.

2. Same goes for Sajjan Singh from Mann Kee Awaaz Pratigya, an elder man who tries to protect his family from the upcoming bad and in the end he becomes the Villain of a “love story”.

3. Another so called Villain of “Lovestory” is Jingyasa Walia from Kasam Se a middle aged man whose destiny takes unexpected turns with the 3 Dixit sisters.

4. In indian TV, also there are Vilains which are mostly favorited and beloved like Ammaji from Na Aana Is Des Laado an elder powerful matriarch of a village where women are bane to the society but the effects of this Vilains are similar to Amma ji from Balika Vadhu also an Elder woman which even after her evil intentions still moves the crowd when she is gone.

5. And at last there are villains like Tapasya from Uttaran the rich daughter of a wealthy family that makes many enemies but turns kind heart in the end. Villain’s part in a soap is the most complicated and hard to perform, because they capture the viewer’s emotions and connect viewers to story, as Shakespeare Once said, everyone can be the main Star in a Play But not everyone can be the Villain!