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5 Things To Consider While Buying An Air Compressor On A Tight Budget


Do you want to buy an air compressor, but the prices in the market scare you away? Don’t worry. We will show you how to buy an air compressor on a tight budget. We understand that choosing an air compressor from the many in the market it is not a simple task. We are also aware that air compressors are costly, but very useful. What comes to your mind when you think of buying an air compressor on a budget? You most probably want to purchase the smallest, but cheapest.

In this informative buying guide, you will learn how to purchase the right air compressor on a tight budget. We will also tell you what look for when buying one. Sounds good? Let’s go!
What should you consider?

Before we discuss into detail in this guide on how to buy a garage air compressor on a budget, here are the things you should consider.

  • What are you going to use the compressor for?
  • Air compressor material
  • Air compressor type & Portability
  • Air compressor power source
  • Pressure and capacity

With all these in mind, it is easy to buy the best compressor that can handle your tasks while saving you money.

   1. The work of your air compressor 

One thing I usually take into consideration when buying anything, it is the use of that particular product. In this case, first, consider the job of your intended compressor. Keep in mind different tasks need different air compressors. So don’t just pick any. For example, if you are going to use your air compressor on tasks use only drills and nail guns, a small air compressor will be a perfect match.

   2. Air compression material and Portability

You are not buying the air compression   you want to fill the gap. You are purchasing something that will last. Consider the material of the air compressor. Some materials may last a lifetime while others will not. Air compressions made of cast iron are likely to cost higher than those made of Aluminum, but they are a good fit. Some sections of the compressors such as the tank and the motor housing should have a strong, durable material like metal.
When considering portability, it all takes you back to the use of the air compressor. This is a crucial aspect to consider. If the use involves moving around, a portable compressor will be ideal for you. It is worth mentioning that more portable air compressors are less potent.

   3. Air compressor type

Regardless of your budget, you can still get the right type of air compressor if you know what you are looking for. There are three types of air compressors; reciprocating, rotary screw, and rotary centrifugal. For example, if you choose based on pressure and capacity, centrifugal compressors generate high-pressure and capacity.

   4. Power source

Another essential thing you should consider when buying air pressure on a budget is the source of energy. The air compressor needs the power to remain active. This only means that its use and portability are reliant on the source of power. Electric air compressors are a good choice for indoors, but they tend to be expensive than gas powered air compressors. Gas-powered air compressors provide a lot of power which makes them an excellent choice for outdoor use. However, they are heavy and require a charger.

   5. Pressure and capacity

This is another essential aspect you should consider. Not all air compressors have an air tank. The larger the tank, the higher the capacity and pressure it can store. Larger tanks are useful for bigger tasks that may need continuous air flow. It is also nice to record that the size of the air tank since it influences greatly the portability and price of an air compressor.

Conclusion :

The top Mechanical engineering companies use the best compressors for their industry. While there are different models and sizes of air compressors in the market, you can still choose the best. Knowing how to buy an air compressor on a tight budget helps to avoid picking any model that you come across. It contributes to avoiding choosing air compressors with flimsy materials. Now that you know all these, did you enjoy our air compressor buying guide? If you did, please let us know what you think in the comments section below.