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A Lapse in Judgment: Can Physicians Be Held Responsible for a Wrong Diagnosis?


When it comes to cases of medical malpractice, you need to remember that physicians can be held for negligence. Every individual has a right to file a claim if they were injured at the hands of a medical practitioner. However, you also need to remember that pursuing these kinds of cases in court is not easy. The following steps will help you to make a claim against a physician’s wrong diagnosis or negligence that resulted in an injury or illness.

Initial Legal Advice

Once you feel that you have been directly affected as a result of medical malpractice, then the first step is to seek professional advice. Before you can decide the person to hire, make sure you do your initial consultation to determine who the right fit is. You want to talk to a person who will give you the probable outcome of your case based on their professional opinion and facts presented. Do not rush into choosing a legal expert as there are numerous options out there.

Hiring an Attorney

Once you are done with your initial consultation, you can decide to choose the right professional for your case. Remember, you can get justice if you are a victim of medical malpractice by working with an experienced attorney. For that reason, you need to choose an attorney who specializes in these kinds of cases. For instance, if you have suffered as a result of a botched operation, you will want to hire someone who has successfully worked on a similar case before. It is imperative that the attorney you are working with charges contingency fee that will be based on the percentage of the amount you will be compensated. That way, you will have taken care of issues that have to do with the cost of representation.

Prepare Your Evidence

For you to be adequately compensated in a case that has to do with medical negligence, you need to gather as much evidence as possible to prove your case. Document everything that relates to your case from the beginning to the end. Obtaining the records of the medical services you received is also an important part of the process. Record your version of events to avoid any contradictions and take note of your pain and suffering as this could be crucial for your case.

In addition to that, your attorney should obtain statements from any individual who is crucial in your case or document anything that could be deemed as evidence in your negligence case. Moreover, it is the work of your attorney to collect the opinions of independent experts because these individuals will offer authoritative view of what transpired. That way, you will rest assured your case is in good hands.

Final Word

Getting compensated for medical malpractice should not be a difficult process if you follow the right channels. The secret to winning these kinds of cases is to hire lawyers who are experienced in matters to do with medical negligence. With an experienced lawyer, you may even settle your case out of court, which is quite convenient and less stressful for you.  Make sure you seek appropriate legal advice before and during the legal proceeding.