Home Life & Style Health Is The BLUE WAFFLES DISEASE Real?



BLUE WAFFLE DISEASE. What is it? How it spread? What type of disease it is? Is it real or just rumor?

These are the questions many people are asking. This disease is one many people have never heard of before, there is some information about blue waffle disease over the net and the news.

Is blue waffle real? Some researchers say that this disease is real and some others are not very sure about that in fact, very real..

So let’s go on and see what we know about this sexually transmitted disease .yes! According to medical professionals there is no proof of its reality but they are considering it as a STD .
Might be blue waffles are real, but might be that is not real. There are some cases in which people insist they are suffering from this disease but examiner are still confuses about this.

Because of these news and cases no one is sure about this, whether this disease is real or not? Is it really exists or not. At the moment, it’s believed to be a hoax.

However, there are some indications that this is a new STD that is spreading rapidly among people,

According to the stories which are present on internet we get some information about Blue Waffles disease:

Blue waffle is a disease that first attacks women. Due to this disease woman’s feels severe pain in vagina. And also itches badly, burns badly, and creates a very bad odor. The reason why it is called blue is because that the bacterium which causes this disease gets worse over time to time. When it becomes worse, it begins to create a very bad odor and inflammation. This inflammation occurs only when this STD gets worse and causes the vagina to swell and turn it into a blue color. It also changes the color of a woman’s discharge.
To examine this point that, whether it is real or not, there are so many debates. Some people says sure it is real, and some others says that are not so sure. Only time will tell us.


Is Blue Waffles A Real STD?

So the main question is this, is that a real STD or not? However, we are treating and consider it as a real STD because so many people now insist they have this disease and they are suffering from blue waffles. Because there is not so many proofs presents related to this disease and we only know very specific signs and symptoms of the disease. For ex. those people who are suffering from blue waffles they noticed that their vaginal area becomes very sore following intercourse. Due to the infection of this disease vagina itches and burns very badly. If it is left untreated for long time, the vaginal discharge that comes turns purplish blue.


This disease is basically occurs when the vaginal lips are affected by different types of bacteria and fungi as they started growing on the woman’s vagina and if they left untreated they started spreading and develop a purple-blue color on the entire area. , it takes quite a bit of time for the development of blue waffle, and it is mostly caused by keeping a low hygiene for a longer time. Some of the examples of low hygiene are:

  • If you wear tight underwear all times.
  • Having common unprotected intercourse, you’re increasing the chances of having this condition..
  • Unclean vagina

Till now all knows the fact that it is transmits during intercourse only. But it’s not always caused by intercourse; it’s also known that blue waffles can affects men also. But it’s generally first seen in women.

To get prevention from Blue waffles from, it’s very important that everyone uses protection while they engage in sexual activities. Men and women are also advised to keep proper hygiene during intercourse. It’s also advised that both men and women take shower after engaging in sexual activity and clean up so by this step they can remove all potential bacteria from their bodies. And it will help them from any type of bacterial disease.

At this moment all medial professional considering it a STD and some are still not sure about its origin so STDs are commonly transmitted without the other person knowing, therefore these disease are very dangerous. Like HIV and all other kinds of bacterial, fungal or viral infections may be transmitted to one person to another without giving them a single hint. This “blue waffle” disease is one of those rare disease. And it take quite a long time to showing any result within the body if it transmitted to anybody as it only identified by its looks and bad smell .


Symptoms of blue waffle as per internet research

As per the previous cases we get the first symptom of this disease is the itchiness and burning sensation which a woman feels in her vagina. At this step you can prevent yourself from this. This is the right time to get treatment over it after that if you left it ignored then the whole vagina will be moister than usual, also carrying start smelling. This bad odor will be easily noticeable even from a distance. And slowly the outer lips of vagina start turning bluish purple.

Symptoms of miscarriage


Until now there is no clue for the treatment of this “blue waffle” disease because there is nothing clear about this.

Because there is no proofs available about this is real or not. Treatment is only available after it proves that this is a real disease.

This is the information we get from searching on internet and after going through the news. But in the whole researches we can’t find any strong proofs by any medical professional which tells us about this more. Hence we conclude that this is not a real .yes in our point of view this disease is not real .it is only a myth.

BLUE WAFFLES DISEASE: reality or myth?

From all the research there is no strong confirmation that blue waffles disease actually exist.

If we focus on its name it’s not like a medically given name it is like given by the people “BLUE WAFFLE”-here blue refers for the color and waffle is a slang word given to the vulva or vagina.

There is not any single official site that can tell us the reality of this blue waffle. It is like a rumor which is spread by some people as they have posted some dangerous pictures of contaminated vagina over the internet.
It’s only popular on internet;

it’s like an internet hoax about a STD affecting only women. As per the internet searching we find that this is a fake medical condition that supposed to turn a woman’s vagina blue. Instead of worrying & checking blue waffle disease on all over internet. You should collect information about real STD and prevent yourself from real STD. Best way to avoid STD is to avoid having sex with anyone who has genital sores, discharge, a rash, or other symptoms.

Here are some other precautionary measures you should take to avoid STDs:

  • Go for protection while having sex.
  • Avoid using condoms with nonoxynol-9 because they may kill the infection-causing organisms but they may also irritate a woman’s vagina.
  • Avoid using oil based lubricant..
  • Don’t share underclothing and towels with others and wash yourself before and after intercourse.
  • Take HIV test and get a vaccination of hepatitis B.

According to me because we don’t get any proof of its origin and reality I consider it as a fake. But many other STDs exist in the real world and these diseases can be very painful. So always follow safe sex life if you don’t want any type of contamination.