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Medical tourism Companies in India | Advantages and Plans

Updated on : 27.11.2016


What is Medical Tourism? Medical tourism is the travel to another country for the purpose of medical treatment in that particular country. It is related to both of health and tourism economy that helps to regain the physical and mental prosperity.

The conventional idea of medical tourism was going to major medical centers or highly developed countries from third world countries as there was a lack of facilities and infrastructure in the third world countries. But nowadays the trend is opposite and the people from developed countries are coming to third-world countries for medical treatments by reason of cost consideration.  Actually, in the third world countries like India every facility of health care, including cancer treatment, neurological treatment, cardiac cases, ophthalmology,  psychiatry, alternative treatments, convalescent care and even burial services, is available. An average of 150,000 people travels to India for low-priced healthcare procedures every year.So let us find the facilities and positive aspects of medical tourism in India.

1. Top class services, facilities, and best professional skills :

India offers the service of thousands of skilled physicians and practitioners. With the development of Indian economy, lots of Super specialty hospital and medical infrastructure have founded in India. Those hospitals and the medical facility can easily compete with the western medical care. A large percentage of the recruited doctors and the physicians of these hospitals have returned from the U.S. and Europe with a prestigious medical degree, leaving behind successful practices. Not only the academic qualification but also they are renowned for their practical experiences with high success rate. Indian cancer hospitals are renowned in World for their highest levels of treatment.

So, when you are finding the options for medical treatment or medical tourism with highest levels of service, facilities, and professional skills, India is the only mainstream option for you.

2. Cost-effectiveness compared to western countries:


Treatment costs in India start at around one-tenth of the price of comparable treatment in America or Europe. The lower cost does not mean the lower quality as India offers the top quality treatment at affordable price. Are you worried about the cost of expensive Coronary Angioplasty or that important spine surgery? Don’t worry India offers you the best heart hospitals and Neurology hospitals at an affordable price. Not only the treatment cost but also the traveling, food, and lodging costs are substantially lower than the UK or the US.

Thus the best quality treatment at cheaper price is one of the remarkable facility of medical tourism in India.


3. Less waiting time :


Time is an important factor in medical tourism. If you have come from abroad then you have to keep in mind the time period of your visa. Here the medical facilities of Indian hospitals will support you. Because they offer the best treatment as early as possible as the part of medical tourism in India. Are you looking for the infertility treatment or ophthalmology or anything else, choose India without hesitation as India will provide you the best treatment with minimum waiting time.


4. Health insurance scheme

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Insurance in Medical tourism is the effect of globalization of healthcare. Medical tourism insurance products are the most arriving part of the health tourism industry. Companies providing insurance products for medical travel services will be seen by potential patients as having an advantage over their competitors.

Medical tourism insurance generally covers medical complexity, trip cancellation, medical emigration and the acute illness and injuries, which may arise during the medical trip, for the patient and his or her companions. This insurance is mainly cover the medical procedures performed outside of the residing country of the patients. The premiums and coverage limits can vary from each insurance company.


Here are some gateways for insurance in medical tourism

seven corners

global protective solutions

Apollo Munich


5. Personalized service :


India provides the whole range of specialty services like Opthal, cardiac, oncology, Neuro and all kind of laparoscopic surgeries with the special care and personalized service. That means you will be provided the personal doctors, Accommodation for attendants and accompaniment with family members etc. That makes India the prime location or the top choice for medical tourism.


6. Affluent cultural heritage :


India has rich cultural heritage and there is no language barrier for tourists as English quite popular here. India has friendly people in secure & safe environment everywhere, So it is an amazing idea to tour various places of your choice in India & have lifetime pleasant experience. Many affordable and fascinating holiday tours are available to avail before & after surgery at a reasonable cost.

7. Beneficial Govt. plans :

To boost medical tourism, the government of India announced setting up of the National Medical and Wellness Tourism Board to provide help the visitors coming from other countries for health care need. The most important decision of Indian Govt. is Financial support under the MDA Scheme provided to approved medical tourism service providers. For details, you can visit plans for medical tourism.

So you can visit India as a choice of medical tourism and if there is any additional idea you want to add, please make your valuable comment.