Home Archive Guest Blogging We are Proud to be nominated for The Liebster Award 2017 !

We are Proud to be nominated for The Liebster Award 2017 !


Hello, Fellow Bloggers!

Welcome to Trendingtop5. We have started this blog on 2015. It was a casual effort to explore the world of blogging. But with in 2 years, our curiosity evolved as our passion.

Yup.. Its is a funny world. More you put your hard work, more  it will demand from you. But after all the fruits are satisfying. That feeling is overwhelming when thousands of people read your thoughts and appreciates. 😀

10th of August 2017:

Mindfulness breathing routine, morning delicious detox tea, perfumed candles delighting my senses, laptop on to start working. Sounds like a pretty normal day is rising up, except the fact that lovely Alina Marcu from “Break The Frog” decided to nominate us for Liebster Award 2017.

She is a great person, dedicated blogger, which, as me, and I hope as many of you, understood that health is not just about foods. It’s about living the life you love, in the way you love, incorporating healthy habits, of course.

Wow!!! It is so so fulfilling to know that in just one week since I’ve decided to connect with you, guys, I have reached your hearts. I hope you will find a place in your life for our bondage too, as I am here to stay by your side no matter what rough patches might come!

Why I started this blog?!

liebster_award_logoOne lazy evening we were just discussing about Mahabharata ( An Hindu Epic). Who was the best among the Pandavas ? The discussion turned into a debate and the debate, fiercely, turned into Kurukshetra. Any how, it was not concluded but was very interesting. At the end, a random thought came in mind. Why not to create a top 5 ranking  system for almost everything we ‘need’? Then…Hey…Did we really ‘need’ the discussion regarding Pandavas?! We also should include interesting stuff which we don’t need. Ideas converted, TrendingTop5 was formed.

Now we have more than 15K visitors per month to our site. We have received acclamation from senior bloggers through out the world.

Now it’s your turn to keep your blog swimming against the tide.

It will not be always easy, but know that you are not alone.I’m here to give you my shoulder to rely on and my hand to travel together through this blessed journey called Life!!!

I’m here to guide and support you through the journey of living with a happier, healthier… YOU!!!

I am here to stay by your side, and I know that together we can make it so… why waste time?!

Are you into blogging? My bits of advice would be:

⇒ Be yourself! Be bold, be brave, be open, be you! Open up and write!  Write about what you feel, about what you need, about what you want! Write and connect by your own terms.

Open up and write! Write about what you feel, about what you need, about what you want deep deep inside you! Write and connect by your own terms.

Finally, it will be your creation, your world so, make it as your own mirror reflection!

⇒ Connect! Connect with people following your activity!

Do not be proud more than needed, and never forget that you are here to share and create priceless bondage.

⇒ SEO! If you still unknown about SEO, its high time to research a bit. With out it, you are not going to reach out to the masses. Ask me any question about it




There are a few steps you have to take as you accept this award:

1.Write a blog post about how and why you’ve started this blog.

2. Include the person who nominated you into your blog post, add a link to their blog and a short description of what they write about, their activity.

3. Nominate 15 other bloggers for this award.

4. Give new bloggers two pieces of advice.

5. Notify the bloggers you have nominated for this award and provide the link to your post.


And now, the time has come. The bloggers I choose to nominate are:

  1. Sarah ElSherif –  http://www.sarahelsherif.com
  2. Maria Durante – http://lyndurante.com
  3. Sharon Brand – brandtravels.com 
  4. Aleigha Israel – http://thepenofthewriter.weebly.com/blog
  5. Eleanor Jones – www.eleaanormay.com
  6. Kerri Byam – www.kerriisms.com
  7. Mischa P. Kumar  – http://www.themischadiaries.com
  8. Trisha Morton – http://sparklesofyum.com
  9. Jen True  www.thebrilliantfeminist.com
  10. Fusionista Ren – www.thefusionista.blogspot.com
  11. Sarahs Eyebrows –  https://www.addicted2booksblog.com/
  12. Cal Madden – www.bakerman.co
  13. Saidy Flores www.simplysaidy.com
  14. TNe Florencio –  https://tinefinallywrites.wixsite.com/
  15. Rubab Bangash– recipesbybangash.wordpress.com      

Dear ones, do not  forget to follow the rules presented above. Keep in touch. Ask for any help. 

Your passion is the actual you!

Live every moments….Love all…..Happy Blogging.