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This Week In Entertainment: Unions, Locke, and More


First Video Game Developer Union

Britain’s Game Workers Unite UK is one of the first recognized unions for the video game industry. It’s focusing on unpaid overtime, racism, and sexism in the workplace. Known as “the crunch”, the long unpaid overtime put in by developers before a game launch, the union wants to put an end to the unfair treatment. Founder Karn Bianco said, “For many people it’s been a badge of honour to work all night and until the early hours of the morning and there’s also a kind of culture that goes with that excessive overtime.”

Because of this, the union is signing members and will hold a meeting on Sunday to elect executives. It currently operates under the umbrella of the Independent Workers of Great Britain. In addition, it takes stands on sexism and racism in the industry.

Sondra Locke Dead At 74

Frequent Clint Eastwood co-star Sondra Locke was found dead on November 3rd. She died of a cardiac arrest stemming from heart and bone cancer. It is unknown why her death took 6 weeks to report.

Known for the 6 films she did with Eastwood, Locke’s death came as a surprise. The pair ended badly after Eastwood broke up with her and she sued for palimony. She married fellow actor Gordon Anderson, although the pair described themselves as good friends. She was listed as his wife on her death certificate.

New Downton Abbey Movie Trailer Released

The new Downton Abbey movie released their first teaser trailer today. As an extension of the TV show, the teaser shows shots of Crawley’s home, as well as sweeping shots of the estate. All of the principle cast returned, including half of the crew.

The movie was confirmed in July, with shooting beginning in September. “It’s a return to these really beloved characters and seeing them in new sets of circumstances and how they will deal with those, and hopefully, a good mix of the drama, comedy, and romance that had been the mainstays of it all,” said executive producer Gareth Neame. Fans will have to wait until September 2019 to return to Downton Abbey.

Lou Ferrigno Hospitalized

Lou Ferrigno was hospitalized after a botched pneumonia vaccination. The actor, most known for playing “The Incredible Hulk” on TV, shared the news to social media after it had happened. He went in for the vaccine and ended up with fluid in his bicep. He expects to make a quick recovery and return to acting.

In addition to The Incredible Hulk, Ferrigno starred in The Avengers, Star Trek Continues, and currently several movies in production in 2019.

Kanye Accuses Drake Of Threats

Rapper Kanye West accused Drake of making threats towards him and his family. In a series of tweets, Kanye fired off at fellow rapper for things he said. In response, Drake made a joke out of the situation by posting to his Instagram story reacting to the tweets.

Kayne’s wife Kim Kardashian also got involved in the feud, tweeting, “@drake Never threaten my husband or our family. He paved the way for there to be a Drake.” There was no comment from either of the West’s.