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Reasons for Android Apps is Different from ios : Android and ios comparison


The World is contracting with the development of cell phone innovation. Facilities are additionally expanding as the numbers of users are expanding. In past, only black and white handsets were used by the people and now due to advancement in technology cell phones are not utilized only to make calls rather they have countless uses such as music player, tablet PC, web browser, android games etc.

With the new technologies, new software and operating systems like Android and iOS are required and with the advancement in smartphones the demand for mobile accessories are also increased that’s why companies like Xiaomi covers in Pakistan are also available for such purpose. Now let’s give some light to android and ios comparison which is a big deal of today’s tech world.

Interface and Design Comparison

Google’s Android and Apple’s iOS are working frameworks utilized basically in mobile innovation, like smartphones and tablets. Android, which is a Linux-based and somewhat open source, is more PC-like than iOS, in that its interface and primary elements are more customizable. Be that as it may, iOS design elements are more user-friendly.

iOS and Android both have touch interfaces that have a considerable measure in like manner – swiping and tapping. Both working frameworks boot to a home screen, which is like a PC desktop. The only difference between the two is that iOS home screen just contains rows of application icons; while Android permits the utilization of gadgets, which show auto-refreshing information, for example, climate and email. The iOS UI highlights a dock where users can stick their most every now and again utilized applications.


Hardware Comparison

Hardware is the place where Android and ios comparison turns out to be clear.
Just Apple makes iPhones, so it has amazingly tight control over how the software and hardware cooperate. On the other hand, Google offers its Android software to many phone creators, including Samsung, HTC, LG, Motorola, and so on. Thus, Android phones differ generally in size, weight, features, and quality.
Higher-evaluated Android phones have a tendency to be genuinely consistent and high caliber, less expensive choices may overheat, freeze up, or break. iPhones have additionally had hardware issues; in general, iPhones have higher quality.

Cost Comparison 

It is a fact that iPhones are no by means cheap devices. On an average iPhone apps cost twice more than their Android apps with similar features.
The enormous majority of Android phones are less expensive than iPhones. Subsequently, it’s nothing unexpected that the buying influence of people who spend a large amount for their cell phones ought to be higher than of people who can’t bear the cost of it.
In the comparison of Android versus iPhone users, they have distinctive habits in mobile shopping, they not only like to purchase smart phones but also like to purchase and use smartphone accessories and mostly Huawei cases in Pakistan are used by users. Generally, Apple followers have a tendency to spend more money. No wonder they can bear the cost of a greater number of goodies on App Store than the Google Play fellows.

Development Comparison

The time required to develop an Android App is 30% expensive the iOS. Many sources are available to develop an iOS app and no need to develop from scratch. For the development of Android app, no sources are available, strict rules are defined by Google store which has to be followed by an Android developer to develop an app that’s the reason that Android development consumes more time.

Availability of apps

Android gets applications from Google Play, which as of now has 600,000 applications accessible, majority of which will keep running on tablets. Nonetheless, some Android gadgets, like the Kindle Fire, utilize distinct application stores that have a little choice of applications accessible. Numerous initially iOS-just applications are currently accessible for Android, including Instagram and Pinterest, and Google’s more open application store implies other applications are additionally accessible, including Adobe Flash Player and BitTorrent. Android additionally offers access to Google-based applications, for example, Youtube and Google Docs.

The bottom line when looking at Google and Apple’s application stores is that most famous applications are accessible for the both platforms. However, for tablets, there are more applications designed particularly for the iPad that is the Apple application store at present offers 700,000 applications, 250,000 of which are accessible for the iPad while Android tablet applications are regularly scaled up versions of Android smartphone applications.


Android and iOS are most commonly used operating system used in smart phones development. Mostly they are similar but there are some differences exist between them. IOS Apps are expensive than the Android Apps. Android Apps takes more development time. Users of Android are larger in number than iOS. Android operating system is an open source system while iOS is not. Despite the fact of these differences both operating system is the competitor of each other. Both have different pros and cons. But the new technology like AR game is acceptable in both.
Developers of any app which might be an Android app or iOS app, they should consider these differences before the development of an app. Buyers or users of these apps should also ponder these differences.