Home Tech Easy5 asp.net tutorial for beginners

asp.net tutorial for beginners

asp.net tutorial for beginners

Are You Passionate about the web designing or developing , If true then you should have the basic knowledge about the html, CSS. In our previous chapter we have discussed in short, but here we will introduce to you all in brief. So, now we are going to discuss about the asp.net tutorial for beginners. So, first we need to know about the all technologies which will help you to understand about the tutorial. Here we will use html, css for designing the web pages C# language, .net framework and lastly that is Microsoft visual studio(software). so, let’s start about tutorial –

1. Microsoft Visual Studio :
Microsoft Visual Studio is an integrated development environment (IDE) from Microsoft. It is used to develop computer programs for Microsoft Windows, as well as web sites, web applications and web services. Visual Studio uses Microsoft software development platforms such as Windows API, Windows Forms, Windows Presentation Foundation, Windows Store and Microsoft Silver light. It can produce both native code and managed code. It also supports different programming languages like C,C++ and C++/CLI (via Visual C++), VB.NET (via Visual Basic .NET), C# (via Visual C#), and F# (as of Visual Studio 2010).
So, you may download microsoft visual studio –
2. HTML (hyper text markup language) :
A very popular term in nowadays that is HTML. Hypertext markup language is basically a language through which we can create a simple static web page and all the pages which we have seen is moderated by html. In Microsoft visual studio have the options drag and drop components instead of coding. So, just open Microsoft visual studio and on the left has the toolbar, where have the different components like button, input text, radio button , just drag and drop on your website.
You may also try html in brief :
3. CSS (cascading style sheet) :
CSS makes an html page more colorful and well designed as well decorated as well. We may use three types of cascading style sheet, namely internal, external and inline. Uses of various tags we may declare css pages. It has some properties and in visual studio has the inbuilt property, through href tag we may link to our web pages or in right bar has the style properties for each HTML elements.
You may also try CSS in brief :

4. C# Language :
An important one for creating a web page in asp.net. c# language is an object-oriented programming language like Java. It is developed by Microsoft. Usually it is used for asp.net. It is based on the basically C and C++ languages. Gradually we will implement our web pages with C#. It is a mainly principle language for .net framework. When we will install Microsoft visual studio, then there will be an option for languages which you want to use on Asp.net and then select c#.
You may also try C# in brief :

5. Asp.net :
Most important topic that is asp.net tutorials, but the question is what is asp or what is .net. asp is nothing but an active server page and .net is the framework. We may use .net in different purpose like vb.net, but here we will use .net with asp pages, .net is nothing but some of library codes, which is implemented in asp pages with c# language. If you open a page in your web browser, then an extension will help you to identify that page’s behaviour. Is the page has an extension with .asp or .Aspx, (like : simple.aspx )then you will sure that page is decorated or developed by asp.net. so, take your time and have any confusion, then contact with us.


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