Home Life & Style Home-Decor Top 5 Energy Saving Tips for Home Owners

Top 5 Energy Saving Tips for Home Owners


With the rapid increase in environmental degradation due to human activity, there’s never been a better time than now to start seriously implementing effective energy saving measures in the home.  By adopting a few simple habits and practices, you can turn your home into a haven of clean energy and zero waste, while radically decreasing your energy bill.

Having a reliable and affordable energy provider can also help you reduce your monthly bills. You must know how to look, sometimes platforms like Power to Choose Texas might show the energy plans of some providers, but the information is not 100% accurate. You have to choose a platform that can offer complete details of the best energy companies, along with their customers’ reviews.

Here are some tips to help you get started in creating a more energy-efficient home.

1. Switch to LED or CFL:

Changing from incandescent bulbs to energy saving LEDs and CFL bulbs could translate into some serious energy bill savings. By design, both these options use 75% less energy and last much longer (35 times longer, to be exact) than normal light bulbs.  “Not only can you recycle these bulbs for years on end, but they also don’t heat up as incandescent bulbs do over time, so they cause less pollution to the environment over time,” says Jonathan from Sonica Led.  To learn more about led lights vs halogen vs fluorescent lighting, click here.

2. Regulate Geyser Usage:

It’s no secret that the geyser uses excessive amounts of energy, especially during the winter months, when elaborate baths and long showers are the order of the day. But you can cut costs here too. Simply turn the geyser off during the day when it’s not in use, and switch it back on when you return from work to prepare for the next day. This prevents unnecessary heating and saves you a ton in heating costs.

You can also cover your heater with a fiberglass blanket to further conserve energy by preventing heat from escaping through the heater’s outer frame, saving you up to 9% in water heating expenses. You’ll then be able to turn down the water temperature to further decrease costs. Adding an automatic thermostat to digitally regulate the temperature will also result in reduced costs. Or, you could opt for a complete overhaul of your heating system and install solar panels instead. Sure it requires a pricey upfront investment, but the returns are well worth it in the long run.

3. Layer Up:

As any fashion editor will tell you, winter is the perfect time for layering, and wearing multiple layers of clothing will keep you warmer and reduce the need to use a heater. During the winter months, try and invest in things like warm woolen socks, jerseys, and throws as well.

Rugs and carpets can also provide some added insulation and pizazz to your home décor, while a lush comforter and some flannel sheets will reduce the need for an electric blanket at night. Lastly, if you’re in the market for a new water heater, consider purchasing the tank less variety. Tankless heaters can save you tons of energy by only heating water when faucets are turned on.

4. Refrain from using energy during peak hours:

Utilizing energy-taxing appliances and electronics during the daytime peak hours only adds to your bill over time, as it puts more tension on the utility system. Rather use off-peak hours to perform energy intensive tasks such as washing clothes and dishes. You can further reduce energy waste by using a Laptop instead of a PC. Laptops are less demanding when it comes to energy consumption, and are more cost effective when compared to traditional desktops.

Also, unplug devices and turn off switches when you’re not using them, and avoid leaving devices and chargers idling in outlets that are not in use. Completely turning unused switches will prevent unnecessary energy waste, and opting for motion sensors to automatically switch the lights off when you forget to do so is another major saving tip.

5. Go Solar:

Going solar doesn’t have to mean installing solar panels on your roof and completely switching to solar energy. Simple habits like keeping your curtains and windows open during the day and then closing them at sundown to trap the sun’s warmth can heat your home more effectively than artificial heaters. And you’ll get expeditious heating at no cost extra cost at all.