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Top Web Browsers – search for the best web browser

top web browsers

Are you aware of the name Erwise? I think this is not a common question for the average internet users. But when it is the turn for the name Google Chrome, 100 percent viewers will raise their hand. Then what is Erwise! Actually, it is the first available web browser with the graphical user interface. Or in other words, it is the origin of all top web browsers.

The greater portion of the common internet users is using windows operating system as it provides the best user interface. Millions of users are daily browsing the internet and they have the different purposes. So you have to choose the perfect platform to solve your purpose and You have to compromise with some features. Browsers are all free, and at a time you can use more than one browsers on your desktop or laptop. Actually, It is the best idea to use more than one browser because you can reserve one browser solely for the sensitive activities like online banking or money transfer or for using data sensitive sites by disabling the features like javascript or flash.

Top web browsers

Now the question is Which should be the best web browser among the all? Here we give you the details of top web browsers to eliminate the options for the search of the best web browser.

   1. Google Chrome :

top web browsers google chrome

For most of the internet users, the name ‘Google’ is enough. Chrome is the latest among all the popular and widely used web browser. and this new member beat all of his competitor in this field. In the year 2008, Chrome was released and year by year it is swallowing the market of internet explorer. You will feel the fastest web experience with chrome, though it has a much bigger resource consumption.

Chrome provides you multiple features that can smooth your web ride. you can create as many profiles you may need and chrome keep each one’s data intact.  Chrome was the pioneer to introduce tab isolation and one box for both addresses and searches. Google Chrome apps offering you the huge collection of apps and extensions. Some other useful features are quick calculation system included in the address bar, or drag and drop downloads and searches. Chrome is also compatible with smart phones. Till the date, Chrome’s popularity has reached to round about 63.23% among all.

Download Google Chrome

   2. Mozilla Firefox :

top web browsers mozila firefox

In the year 2003 Mozilla has launched their web browser Firefox to compete with Internet Explorer. After few years Firefox have beaten explorer with it’s remarkable features like session restoration, download manager, all-in-one address and search bar, pop-up blocking. Firefox included some developer-oriented tools like Firebug and Error Console.

Firefox has not done any compromise with Security issue. It comes with forget button to delete a site out of history, personalize searches in a specific window, Do not track etc. Now a days the one and only strong competitor of Google Chrome is Firefox. Firefox supports HTML5, CSS3 that makes it features exceptionally hard to overcome by any other browsers. Till the date it’s popularity has reached to round about 14% among all. The newest version of Mozilla is 56.0 till date.

Download Mozilla Firefox.

   3. Internet Explorer :

top web browsers internet explorer

Internet explorer, the product of Microsoft has launched in the market in the year 1995. So it is the oldest member of the family of top web browsers. Internet Explorer has changed itself from time to time and wrapped in a contemporary browsing look to complete all the other browsers. The add-ons are limited in internet explorer.

Though IE will be supplemented soon by Spartan in Windows 10 before the launching of Spartan Internet Explorer is the best platform to taste Microsoft’s own browsing experience. As day by day the users of explorer is decreasing, in the newest version Internet explorer 11 Microsoft includes some interesting features like upgraded security, smaller notifications, cleaner interface. It has copied some features from Google Chrome, such as tab isolation, one box for both addresses and web search, download manager to sustain in the market. One of the main drawbacks of the browser is it does not support Java and in the HTML5 loading issue, it is far behind from Firefox, Chrome, and Opera. Its popularity has recently decreased to 9.28% among all the desktop users.

Download Internet Explorer


   4. Safari :

top web browsers safari

Safari has released in January 2003. It is a product of Apple. Though primarily it has developed for Mac operating System, later it was introduced to Windows also. Safari supports supports HTML5, CSS3 and SVG.

An interesting feature of Safari is that it filters the text from pop-ups and advertisement and allow you to read any given article without being disturbed by all those nuisances. It is more energy efficient than other browsers. Safari includes the features like private Browsing windows, third-party cookie blocking, protections from harmful sites, sandboxing for websites etc. The latest version of Safari is Safari 10.5. It has the overall popularity of 5.15% among all.

Download latest version of Safari

   5. Opera :

Top-we- browsers-Opera
Top web browsers Opera

Opera has launched in the market in the year 1996. The latest version opera is Opera 31 released on 4th August, 2015. It offers the plug ins like Adobe reader, Adobe flash player, Adobe Shockwave player, Windows media player, Java, Quick time, real player etc.

The speed and and the safety features make it one of the competitor of the earlier three best web browsers. Actually it is a lot quicker web browser. The another most interesting feature is full page zooming. Not just to bigger the text, Opera offers the provision to expand all page elements such as text, images, videos, and other content. The top 10 features of Opera are Duplicate this tab, Go to URL, Reload every 30 seconds, Fit to window width, Rewind, Nicknames for collections of sites, Tab closing, Instant back, Page zoom, Crash recovery. Opera has the overall popularity of 2% among all.

Download latest version of Opera


Some another web browsers are Microsoft Edge, Torche Browser.

If you have some additional ideas, then please inform us with your valuable comments.

You may also check top 5 search engines.




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